
So what now..? Do I go back on hating Brad Marchand or what? Cause why do I love the guy now BAHAHAHHA


@newyorkintheair stop I feel the same way about the Tkachuck Brothers rn…


Don’t wanna scare u, but I just finished writing the last chp of part 2 and… I’ve never sobbed like that. I can’t anymore. IT’S NOT SAD, IT’S CUTE, I SWEAR… but like, big girls don’t cry. Right?! 


Omg I DIED reading that first part but I can’t wait!


@puckingaround43 I wouldn’t do that come on!!!! 


60k WHAT THE HELL!!!! Thank you so much besties I love you AAAAHHHH xxx


@tillym43 thanks tilly hugs and kisses xx


STOP Luke is visiting umich rn and just saw a pic, he looks so good! In another universe he’s prob visiting his gf SYD arghhh (jk she would’ve had graduated) 


@puckingaround43 I know, he’s soooo snoopy aaarghhh


@tillym43 I do too, sometimes it almost feel like this all happened in rl


I NEED TO KNOW, which of the NJD jerseys is the prettiest?! The black alternate or the regular red and white? I NEED TO KNOW. 


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@newyorkintheair honestly the only possible way i wear jerseys is i tuck it in a skirt or wear big pants because WHY TF IS THE DAMN LOGO SUCH A PAIN IN MY ASSSS like dont get me wrong it looks cool and whatever but i cant tuck is that shit is fuckin in the way and its hard asf cuz it’s embroidery like pleaseee  and i would wear kids but im a sucker for over size stuff so its fine for me and i could always wear it as a dress honestly and i might have to buy the premiums atp if i cant find what u want rip my bank account cuz I why am i into literally everything that is expensive. Like f1, soccer, getting into nfl, hockey, books, kpop like im gonna stay broke forever. 


@Official_YN-LN Macklin and Will got drafted when they changed with Fanatics (sobbing). That’s my problem too, most of my jerseys are kids size, cause I don’t fit into the adult one. I just look ridiculous in the xs-s it looks like I’m wearing a dress and it’s not the vibe. Though I have a premium official fanatics habs jersey (the one they play with) the quality is HELLA GOOD. But it’s 300$+. I touched the USA jersey and I got to say it’s not as bad as the regular breakaway one. But still it’s not like the adidas or the old reebok one arghhhhhh….


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@newyorkintheair i might try reebok cuz I REFUSE fanatics FUCK THAT. I don’t understand why they couldn’t keep the adidas. They have been THE jersey makers for YEARS. Why now. Why when im finally into the damn sport like TT and i cant even get Jacks 4 nations jersey cuz IT FUCKIN FANATICS. Like BROOOOO WHYYY THE SHITTING QUALITYYYY GIVE ME BACK MY ADIDASSS. Also like i cant ever find my size so atp I’ve opted for a medium which is huge on me because 1 im 4’10  and 2 im xs-s so like im not fit for a medium MENS jersey at all but its either that or L-XL which is worse atleast with medium i could wear a hoodie and its fine and im genuinely gonna crash out cuz i cant fuckin find macklin or will smiths fuckin jersey in the adidas like OMFG. 


Not to brag, but I just wrote the best freaking chapter EVER….and it’s not for Off The Boards. Just saying! Cooooookiiiiing Lol


@Imafannn I like that omg! But like what would u like? Angsty, sweet romance, etc? 


@Imafannn is that cause you would like a new Jack fic? Cause I’m taking notes uh 