Hello guys!
How are you doing? hope yall doing fine ):)
First of all, I'm really sorry for the very slow update of CTL. I was trying so hard to update it regularly but eventually I had to admit to myself and you guys that I coudln't.
Work has been so hectic, I was so exhausted to write something. I've tried but every time I reread what I wrote, it just felt wrong. Like something is missing in the story. Maybe because I pushed myself to write under such state.
Therefore, I decided to take a short hiatus 'till the end of march so that maybe I won't feel like being chased by the deadline when I continue writing the story.
To be very honest, I had write half of the story already and knew how the sroty end. I just need some times to put the details here and there. So hopefully I can update the next chapter and the next of it regularly by the start of April.
Thank you so much for all your support and I'm really sorry.
I hope you still want to read the story when I comeback.