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@ ultimatestrider his death will be by Nidhiki tear I half,when Gengo revealing his plan,But didn't achieve cause Nidhiki have successfully kill him
Also I think of how vile and despicable Gengo going be,As he going far Make His grandson kazuya having a kid with Nokama
He seen Nokama how strong she are, intelligent she are and Very Beautiful making him having a ideas,Always about survive of humanity which he wants his grandson whose he see the next step of plan mate with Nokama
But it doesn't go well,He then decided to rape Nokama,Making her traumatized and telling her it is own good for humanity
Man Wait till Vakama hearing this,He definitely going Hordiak full mode bro,if you watch web of shadow you will see how damm Terrified Vakama are when he is hordiak
If he knows of this,he definitely going full mode hordiak