Well, I know what you're thinking. Something along the lines of, 'Who the hell is niallandafurby?' or 'Where have you been?!'. The short answer is it's been a very, very busy year for me. With my disease, two moves, a new relationship, lost relationships, senior year, and upcoming college, it's been quite the load on me. That being said, I'm back and better than ever. I've been working on a new story, Again, and I've just uploaded the first chapter. So please give it a read and let me know what you think! If you like it, great! I can't wait to work on it for you guys to enjoy. If you don't like it, let me know and perhaps I'll rework it or start something new. My goal from here on out is to improve my writing, and to give you guys something that you thoroughly like reading. I want to be able to give you guys a bit of a heart thump when you see I've updated my book.
On another note, I've started a makeup YouTube channel. So, if you're into that, feel free to check it out. I haven't gotten around to updating that recently due to severe illness, but I will be getting a new camera soon. Link is in my bio.
I hope you're all well! Feel free to message me for more info on why I've been missing, or just to say hi. I love getting to hear from you guys. Thanks!