
          	Sorry for late reply..a really late reply!
          	Wow thats awesome, I love the beep test :P
          	Yeah im 14, and im in year 9, I started Early :D
          	My birthday is on the 2nd of February :)


@niallerdabomb We do the beep test here! The highest I have ever got was 9:3! I love playing rounders, cricket, basketball, netball, hockey, football and rugby! I LOVE singing! It's my favoroute thing to do. I sing all the time! I also love to act! In my village we put on plays and pantomimes and I am also in them because I love acting! I am in year 8 but if I was born about a week later I would have been in year 9! When is your birthday? I live in a little village called godney which is in a place called Somerset!! ;D


          No after 12:00 it is PM :P cause us Aussies are col like that :)
          I live in Victoria Melbourne, awesome place!
          My hobbies are sports...all sports
          I play b-ball, and rep b-ball, netball, rep netball. athletics and cross country :) im a sports freak, Okay so im in year 9, we were versing the year 10's in the beep test and i beat everyone i got 11:1, but they only counted it to 10.3 because i didn't keep in time with the beep...i was sooo pissed!!!!
          Anywaayyysss.....what year level are you in? And what are your hobbies??


@niallerdabomb So that means we are 9 hours apart! So if I have done my math correctly it should be around about 03:45 AM.  Sorry if I, by any chance, have woken you up with this message! On your last message You said 'pm in the morning' but I thought AM was the morning or I that just an English thing? Where about in Australia do you live? I fell asleep before I got your message so I couldn't answer it! Sorry! I couldn't answer earlier because I was at school and I had an after-school club. What are your hobbies? Sorry that this is really long!


No I'm not ;( I wanna be an aussi I love their accents. I'm pretty good at accents I can do a Scottish, Irish, Russian, French, Australian and welsh accents.But anyways I'm on the other side of the world. In england. It is 03:04 AM over here. I can't sleep. What time is it in Australia?