this message may be offensive
hiya, i’m really sorry to do this, as i’ve never done it before, but there won’t be another chapter of without fear this week. i feel like i’m rushing it and it’s just... not very good. I think the fic deserves better than what i’m giving it, and that’s entirely my fault.
I was going to take next week off from updating because of christmas but what I think I’ll do is aim to post what would’ve been this week’s chapter at the beginning of next week, most likely on tuesday. if all goes well, I will double update next week, and also post a new chapter on wednesday. I can’t promise, but that is my goal.
sorry for managing my time so poorly and fucking this up. i’ve never missed an update before, i’m just... so not feeling it today, and I shouldn’t have left it til the last minute.
thank you.