awesome Niall,Louis,Gemma Styles,Greg Horan and Eleanor all hate directioners.Greg and Niall hate us because a so called diectioner crashed Greg's wedding yesterday and Niall thinks its all his fault.Eleanor and Louis hate us because people think that Larry is a true romance and send hate to Eleanor.Gemma hates us because we have all the crazy psyco fans.I am now ashamed to be a directioner just beacause of the larry shippers and the girl who crashed gregs wedding and all the crazy fans that will find the exact place the are at so they can go and meet them or go find them while 1D is on break they will go find them.Trend these on twitter #SorryGregHoran #SorryHoranFamily #sorrygreg so we can tell them not all of us are like that. Niall if you read this it is not your fault that it happend.please tell me if you see this and share this message