Hi! I've stumbled upon your profile and your stuff looks really promising. Would you mind checking out my post and giving me some feedback? It'll be much appreciated! Please and thank you! Hope your day is as amazing as Greg from your book "the slut race"
A couple months ago I stated "The Slut Race" and then I never finished it so I went to go read it and I was like OMG where is it??? I'm hope you update soon cause I really want to read it!
I have decided to rewrite The Slut Race! For anyone who would like to read I have the first part uploaded :) thanks to everyone for their support when I started the book, I hope you like it x
@niamh1864 that's too bad I was just about to read it again aw): hope you do get to write it over i really did like the idea of KINGS lol they were funny. ill make sure I check out some of your other stories though! xx