
          	The start on writing chapter nine will hopefully commence in the coming week! The next update will be when I’m roughly 50% through it and the last will be the day before the chapter’s published
          	Again, thank you all for your patience and 
          	Be Safe,
          	 Niamh xxx


happy new year!! any updates on when we can expect the next chapter ?


Happy new year to you too!
            At the minute I’ve lost access to my account where I store my saved drafts for future chapters so it’s being slightly delayed. But it’s only temporary so I decided I wouldn’t restart the chapter when I’ll get it back soon enough.


Hi Everyone,
          I'm sorry about being MIA for the past couple of months. There's really no reason except for being busy and tired so I haven't had the motivation to carry on my work. A lot of my ideas have changed for the next chapter of The Games than what I had previously planned so I'm only about 25% of the way through with writing it out. I just wanted to let you all know on here who do still want to stick with the story (which I'm grateful for) so I can keep myself on track with it. Thank you for being patient and stay safe!!!


Are you going to do more frequent updates? I just read the chapter you had posted and it was amazing it kept me in suspense. Thank you so much for updating The Games!


            Thank you so much and good luck in school and your exams.


I can’t give you a timeline as to when I’ll update them. I’ve a few drafts saved and I don’t want to publish them all at once seeing as I am In my last year of school and I’ve exams to study for. I don’t want to leave people a full week without an update while I published multiple chapters the week previous. I’ll try to be consistent as much as I can, but for now I’m a little bit up in the air with when I’ll update next 