
I'm on holiday at the minute visiting my family in Spain so I won't be back until next Wednesday so I don't know when I'll be able to update again but as soon as I can I promise I will give you a decent update :) xxx 


Hey guys! So I'm seeing All Time Low tomorrow which I'll be queuing up from 8am to see, so whilst I'm there I'll probably write some more to Incandescent (as I've got 300 words wrote already) so hopefully I'll be able to update when I get home after the concert.


How can you delete anxiety? 


@ApexofAlpacas that's true but I just hate feeling like this it's horrible like pls can I be normal and be able to socialise without freaking out. Yeah I might see another doctor and see what they say. 


Doctors can be horrible sometimes. They often don't understand stuff like this. Maybe try a different doctor? They'll work out whether your current medication can be taken with anything else. But in the end you don't need chemicals to help you, it's hard but you can get through this without them at all.


@ApexofAlpacas when I last went to the doctor they didn't care and just disregarded me and I don't think I can take them with the current medication I'm on :(