Hi everyone. This is just a little rant post and I wanted to post it here to make sure it's seen. So many, many, many of us are Potterheads, myself included. There are also many Twihards, myself included. And I love both of these series. But it really annoys me when Potterheads will post something about "Why Harry Potter is Better than Twilight" or vice versa. I do like HP better than T. But that doesn't mean T is horrible. While it may not be of high literature, it is still a story that people enjoy. So people need to stop bashing it. If I had to choose between the series, HP all the way, without a doubt. But Twilight is entertaining and while there are plot holes and it isn't the best book ever written, it is still fun to read. And when I read these "why one series is better than the other" books, it feels like I have to chose between the series, which you shouldn't have to do. You can like two series and be part of two fandoms. You can be a Potterhead and a Twihard. And although a Twihard may hate Hp or a Potterhead may hate T, it doesn't mean books need to be written about that. Basically what this simmers down to is that WE ALL NEED TO RESPECT ALL THE FANDOMS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER WE ARE IN IT AND IF WE LIKE IT OR HATE IT. Other people like what you may be calling trash. People can like what they like and it's not right to make fun and point out why they shouldn't like it. Point made.
I'm sorry for the long rant, but I've been seeing a lot of these books and this needed to be said.