
     I don't think it published the first time, so take 2 let's go
          	     So! I know I havent been on here in a phat while, so I have a few announcements to make. 
          	     First things first; I have for the most part migrated over to Archive of Our Own. I have come to find that it is so much easier to use for several reasons. 1. Its easy to navigate through with character pairings and fanfictions. 2. The tagging features makes it easy if there's certain things you want included in the fic. 3. Most importantly, authors can label warnings on their works and you xan filter them out. I cannot tell you how many times I've read a fic here and they didn't put a trigger warning. 
          	     I will obviously still post here some, and I have one Haikyuu work in progress. Once I make/finish a cover for it, I'll probably bring it over here too. 
          	     The other part of this announcement is that I have an idea and am already working on a separate fic for quite some time but I have no clue what to call it. Its a Marvel Cinematic Universe and Pokémon crossover. I just wanna know if any of you guys have suggestions for a title, I'm open to hear them. 
          	     Thats all I got for now. Love y'all ✌


     I don't think it published the first time, so take 2 let's go
               So! I know I havent been on here in a phat while, so I have a few announcements to make. 
               First things first; I have for the most part migrated over to Archive of Our Own. I have come to find that it is so much easier to use for several reasons. 1. Its easy to navigate through with character pairings and fanfictions. 2. The tagging features makes it easy if there's certain things you want included in the fic. 3. Most importantly, authors can label warnings on their works and you xan filter them out. I cannot tell you how many times I've read a fic here and they didn't put a trigger warning. 
               I will obviously still post here some, and I have one Haikyuu work in progress. Once I make/finish a cover for it, I'll probably bring it over here too. 
               The other part of this announcement is that I have an idea and am already working on a separate fic for quite some time but I have no clue what to call it. Its a Marvel Cinematic Universe and Pokémon crossover. I just wanna know if any of you guys have suggestions for a title, I'm open to hear them. 
               Thats all I got for now. Love y'all ✌


I'm depressed because Haikyuu is ending on monday
          I stress ate an entire container of ice cream last night and stayed up till 6am
          I'm rewatching and rereading the anime and manga
          I'm being reminded of all the guys I simped for
          I need note energy drinks if I wanna catch up
          Plz send beans


this message may be offensive
Its corona time
          The fat Cheeto is still in the white house
          The USA is literally falling apart
          My family is falling apart
          Straight people scare me sometimes
          and through all of this
          I still haven't updated any stories :V
          Hocus pocus I have no FUCKING FOCUS :V


@Blueberry-Smoothie me losing my mind in the middle of the day :V


this message may be offensive
I need relationship advice.
          First background; I'm genderfluid, pansexual, and very insecure. I have shitty depression and trust issues. My last two relationships ended in fucking train wrecks: Ex-Boyfriend 1 gave me PTSD that I still suffer from time to time, Ex-Boyfriend 2 broke up with me hours after I revealed I was moving and that I was genderfluid and then fucked a girl the day after.
           So! I'm at a new school in a new state. This one guy has been talking to me since my first day, and it has been two weeks. He has been very kind and considerate to me, and its a big change from my past. He asked me to homecoming and I said yes.
          Here's the thing tho: I have been told from multiple people that he is a big player and uses many girls just to sleep with them. Half of me wants to take that chance, because he has been so kind and considerate to me about my feelings. The other half of me is afraid of my PTSD ruining things, and my trust issues are trying to protect me from another possible heartbreak, seeing as both of the last two nearly killed me.
          WHAT THE FUCK SHOULD I DO?!?!?!?! 


@nico__nicotine I don’t have much experience, but this is what I can give. Go with him like you planned, and try to have fun. If he’s not being the same sweet guy, and if he’s not giving you the love and respect you deserve, just be done with it. If he’s being nice and considerate, stay there and have a good time with him. I hope you do


I had a dre last night that I was trying to go to Texas for a family emergency, and Tom Holland help my family cuz we were poor, and it felt so vividly real until I woke up and now I feel stupid because last night I was crying over my ex, that's all thanks for coming to my TedTalk


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Idk if this is still going on but im just here to way this....
          even thought people are shit do ur best to ignore them amd continue with ur life, ive been there too and ive been used as well but i learned its better to forget and leave aside all this negativity bcz it will do u no good in the future.
          Life may be shit rn, but believe me things will get better, sorey for butting in your life but im worried about anyone who goes thru this bcz ive been there too.
          If your family doesnt understand u or accept u for who u are or what u do, then i will and in always here if u need to rant or have a shoulder to cry on.
          God bless u child <3


@ LeOtakuGang  glad to hear that and thank u ;w;


@LeOtakuGang  thx my dude, i got over that a few months after, but good to know i have my dudes out there that would be here for me UwU
            and on a side note, youre gonna get spammed in a few with some of my BNHA OC's for "His Pillar"


Im done. I keeping making the same mistakes. I always choose someone that finds someone else and ditches me before moving on within a day. Im done being broken. Im ending this shitty life. I love you all, and hope to see you in another life. 


Not yet, idk, im just really done with fake people

