
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!! Stay safe and check all your candy for anything bad!!! Love you all




@nicodiangelosoffical chat I'm like almost a month late lol hello tho!


chat i’m like 5 months late to this  


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Hello my lovelies. I’m still alive. I’ve been better, there’s a bunch of shit going on w/ my father and me and my mom are going to court with him. I wish I could say I was better but I’m not. I relapsed after 8 months clean and I’m so shitty ngl. How are you guys doing and has anyone heard from @depressed_insomiac lately? He’s starting to worry me


@Tapeboy thanks for the luck. We’ll need it, has he talked to anyone we know? Has the talk to Min at all?


@_-_TodorokiShoto_-_  I wish I could help you somehow honestly. Sadly I have not heard from him either TwT. I wish you luck with the court thing


Okat guys, you dont need to read this bc its gonna not be in english. But if you want to translate it you can...
          hvordan i helvete skal jeg ønske å leve livet "jeg vil leve" som bokstavelig talt alle forteller meg at jeg burde ønske, fordi det er forferdelig. jeg hater det. Jeg vil ikke være her lenger. Min mentale helse går i vasken, og jeg aner ikke hvordan jeg skal stoppe eller fikse det


@_-_TodorokiShoto_-_ Jeg også, men senere. Snakker du noen andre språk?


@Panchitalopez2023  Å, det er veldig kult, jeg vil gjerne reise til Frankrike en dag


@_-_TodorokiShoto_-_ Oh interessant! Hele familien min er fra Mexico bortsett fra en av mine tanter som giftet seg med min mors bror og hun fra Frankrike


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so, yall are finally getting an update. life is still pretty shit ngl. dealing with family stuff and it was my birthday on friday (16th) it was horrible because i had to go to my dads (i dont live or talk to my dad anymore) and i have been sent 10 whole ass paragraphs about how horrible and ungrateful i am. so we chilling, but how have you all been lately?!


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@Depressed_Insominac I’ve been better, I’m dealing with a whole court order bullshit with my dad and it’s really weighing down on me ngl. Hbu?


@_-_TodorokiShoto_-_ honestly I’m surprised people haven’t started doing that with me too, it’s been so long. Have you been doing alright though?


@Depressed_Insominac yea same, I’ve barely been active and one time when I went back online just to have a look around I had over 300 notifications. Half of them were comments and the other half ish where people asking if I was dead or not


Hey everyone. havent posted in a while. i havent gotten better, i could be even worse tbh. and today is worse than others, my dog is being put down. idk what to do, i got to say goodbye but im at school rn, so its bad. anyways how are you all doing?


@_-_TodorokiShoto_-_  I hope you get better! We are all here if you ever need to rant or just need someone to listen to you!! Having your pet get put down is such an awful feeling but I promise that when you remember your dog you'll remember the good memories :)
            I am doing well! Heading to school soon :))
            We love you and appreciate you!!