DC Rise of the Shadow Warriors: Nathan and Kara adventure babysitting with the Powerpuff Girls At Nathan car with Nathan and Kara, driving through Townsville for babysitting job, because Jessica Cruz got sick and Cisco gonna take care of her. Nathan:[Driving his car] Well this is the big day for babysitting job, after Cruz being sick and Cisco taking care of her right Danvers. Kara:[using her phone to called Jessica] Is that okay we’ll take over your job Jessica? Nathan and I were worried about you and Karen, Virgil, and Cisco last month babysitting with Damian and his friends? Jessica:[On her phone to called][Coughing] Yeah it was the worst babysitting job ever and Damian and his friends braking the rules and destruction inside of Wayne Manor that was crazy, but the good news is Karen, Virgil, Cisco, and i stopped this madness to put the kids back to sleep, so isn’t that okay you and Nathan taking over my job as babysitting?
@nigeljones1999 @NatthanAnimerules @HollowFan1000 Nathan: Well, better than keeping an eye on Zee's bunnies