
Just read flowers from 1970 feeling really sad right now (great story btw!) 


Hello everyone,
          So I'm going to say that now. I know I might wasn't very aktive on here lately. But this is going to change now, I'm trying to be more aktive (IDK how but I will thing of something)
          Also I'm going to write on English from not, means that the old German story's will stay here but their will be no more German storrys and I'm going to translait Tham if I can. 
          (I'm kinda sorry but I have to be honest and say I like English more than German)
          And I'm sorry I have to say that I changed as well. I'm still the kinda crazy fangil but I changed belife me. 
          Should I be sorry? 


@ nightmare5562  Hey, so no you don't have to be sorry. But if u really want to translate your storys I think its better if you proof your English skills before you start you're pretty good but in this little text there are some mistakes


Helliuuu, ich bin Mero, mit den Tausend Spitznamen. xDDD Ich wollte mich bei dir Persönlich bedanken, da du mir folgst... Alsuu Danke! ❤❤❤ Gibt es einen bestimmten Grund dafür?^^ Wenn ja, würde ich es gerne wissen, wenn es dir nichts ausmacht.^^ Ansonsten wünsche ich dir noch viel Spaß, beim rumstöbern und hoffe, es wird dir gefallen.^^ ❤❤❤
          LG Mero^^ ❤❤❤