
if any ancient internet friends see this u should follow me on insta… my personal account where i spam my thoughts and obsession with raihan pokemon is nightmaerina… and my art account is nightmareiina Ꮚ❛ꈊ❛Ꮚ  i am still not normal but i am no longer cringe. i am free


if any ancient internet friends see this u should follow me on insta… my personal account where i spam my thoughts and obsession with raihan pokemon is nightmaerina… and my art account is nightmareiina Ꮚ❛ꈊ❛Ꮚ  i am still not normal but i am no longer cringe. i am free


hi :) do u remember when we did an art trade and i made the most horrendous art of your oc. good times


@nightmareina ok i followed u (im roguekiwi77) if u wanna dm :)))


@ArtingWithTrash i do!! my user is nightmareina ^^


WAAA wattpad did not give me notifications for ur replies for some reason? and thank you for the happy birthday :)) yeah i don't really use insta anymore, do u have bluesky tho bc I would love to catch up!! or I can redownload instagram lol