Don't know why I'm writing this on the Wattpad board. Honestly speaking I'm a reader .As a reader I read many books....some in English, some in Hindi and some in my native language Assamese. From the last few days I'm reading an Assamese no.vel named RADHA by young novelist KAUSHIK NANDAN BARUA which is only 24 years old. There is a dialogue in the book- প্ৰেমত পৰি মই ৰাধাৰ দৰে হ'ব বিচাৰিছিলো কিন্তু জীৱনে সতীৰ দৰে জ্বলাইছে। Which in English means - while falling in love I wanted to become like Radha but life is burning me like Sati. What a dialogue....I think if I don't share this with others then I will fail as a reader