He's gone, he flew away.
To the sky, he escaped.
All of his troubles fall to the ground, no more heartbeat, no more sound.
Fly high my angel, We'll never forget you.
No matter what, we'll stand in your angle.
In front of you grave, as we mourn our sadness.
Tears and more tears, your soul was restless.
Now you rest in peace, don't be scared.
We're with you, every here and there.
It's sad to see you leave, but she'll stay strong for you to be.
I wish the best for her, don't cry my angel, he's up there.
The sleep he's never gotten, we wish him the best.
To be treated well as he rests.
Don't be scared, he won't like that.
Be happy for him, he'll surely respect that.
We love you and him, to Moon Sua and Moon bin.
January 26 1998 - April 19 2023