
Hey hello everyone!! I don’t use this account at all anymore so if you to follow me on my other account it’s @romangrimes. I just posted the first chapter of my Walking Dead book on there. If your a fan please go cheaply it out. Also if you follow me on my other account I will try to follow back. Sometimes I don’t get the notifications.


Hey hello everyone!! I don’t use this account at all anymore so if you to follow me on my other account it’s @romangrimes. I just posted the first chapter of my Walking Dead book on there. If your a fan please go cheaply it out. Also if you follow me on my other account I will try to follow back. Sometimes I don’t get the notifications.


I saw Tommy and immediately wanted to follow you so, there ya go ❤


Sorry it took me so long to answer back. I'm mostly logged into my other account and working on my other stories on there


 Aww thank you for the follow!!! I'll follow back 


I haven't been on this account in FOREVER. I have been logged into my other account. I don't write on this account anymore. I haven't forgot about you guys, I just have had the motivation to write on this account. So don't hate me.  


Alright everybody sorry I have not been updating like I should. I moved and I did not have wifi for about 3 & half weeks and I have had really bad writers block. I can not come up with really anything. But don't worry I will be back write soon✌️


@gunner_lepp87 well thank you!!! it's means a lot cause I work really hard on the story's I write. And sorry I am a slow updater. I have another account that I write my wrestling story's. So right now I am working on three different stories at once. And I have had some writers block on Your All I Need and C'mon And Love Me (sequel too Sebastian Sweet Little Sister)