
today folks is the day of FPE turns 1 year old! thanks to edgy and kaaatie's hard work for inspiring us all and the fpe fandom, if I hadn't seen Basics In Behavior, I wouldn't be an FPE writer in an alternative, but now, I am proud of being an FPE Writer, so yeah, daz all folks (anyway, I'll prolly come back from my long ass break and go back to writing next month or smth- and also, about FPExGN!lab experiment! reader, it will be about the lore of the lab experiment reader and interactions of other experiments before the end of the first season of my first story, plus some of the Scientists interactions. okay y'all, daz all now, baii)


also, to those who play cookie run kingdom, someone give me tips how to get more of those high level beascuits level up thingys- I don't have enough to level up my legendary charge beascuit to max including my legendary Archer beascuit-


today folks is the day of FPE turns 1 year old! thanks to edgy and kaaatie's hard work for inspiring us all and the fpe fandom, if I hadn't seen Basics In Behavior, I wouldn't be an FPE writer in an alternative, but now, I am proud of being an FPE Writer, so yeah, daz all folks (anyway, I'll prolly come back from my long ass break and go back to writing next month or smth- and also, about FPExGN!lab experiment! reader, it will be about the lore of the lab experiment reader and interactions of other experiments before the end of the first season of my first story, plus some of the Scientists interactions. okay y'all, daz all now, baii)


also, to those who play cookie run kingdom, someone give me tips how to get more of those high level beascuits level up thingys- I don't have enough to level up my legendary charge beascuit to max including my legendary Archer beascuit-


I have a question why did you start make stories were you just bored or something else? Just asking :)


@Ghost75874 naw it's night time for me but it is 0:05 am in my timeline so yeah, basically morning- (my time on my phone is military time-) anyway, have a gud day to u too :3


I see have a good day :D


@Ghost75874 oki- so for da first one, ye was bored and for da second, I haven't seen the new snow White movie, spent half my day watching moana 2 two times and sonic 3


alr folks, apologies to those who wanted a S2 FPExGN!lab experiment! reader but it will be sadly not be continued, despite promising you guys of a s2 of it, I have no idea what to do about s2 of it, but tho I will at least will probably still do s2 of 'if me and reader was in FPE (remake)" at least :) (also I made my own verse! just like kaaatieverse :3 it's called: 'nikkiverse'! I will probably make a story of it- okay I'll stop yapping y'all ':> ) 


@ nikki_loves_pizza  its kinda cool seeing people create their own verses (or universes), its kinda like a legacy after Katie's leave


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(this post prob be ignored, again but I just had to make this to inform you all) guys, I think FPE is cooked tbh, even though there is still good fans in it to continue fpe, there's still toxic fans and proshippers in it, and I also just found out Katie had removed everything including her own YouTube channel, also I think edgyaludon had also deleted all their post on Twitter from what I've seen, hopefully they will be happy in the future without worrying about the drama and unnecessary shit in the FPE fandom, and still, I will stay in this fandom as much as I like. (I can't tell if this was a rant, or some random piece of Info, and also, thanks for 80 followers! the CRK fandom is latching back onto me-)


Yeah your right the fandom is on life support being the good fans. But I also hope Katie will be happy without the drama


@ nikki_loves_pizza  Wouldnt say FPE is "cooked" but all you said is true, its unfortunate, but true 


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(dis shit prob gon be ignored but whateva-) y'all, should I make other FPE AU stories or just normal FPE in my future stories? I dunno- dat mean I gotta watch da certain FPE AU's for proper context and shit- (I only
          know FPE:Danger AU, Science AU, Advanced Class AU and a lil bit of Vitality AU-) 


why tf is there so many YouTuber allegations dis year- like potemer allegation, Katie being a problematic artist (WHICH I EXTREMELY HOPE SHE ISNT-) bad parenting Developer allegations and much more- like- the YEAR just started like 3 weeks ago- like wtf-


y'all I'm so fockin sad bc... KAAATIE DELETED EVERYTHING ON HER YT COMMUNITY POST EXCEPT DA DOGGY- *proceeds to be in a family guy death pose with my tears pooling around me- (but I understand kaaatie probably wants to distance herself from FPE due to the stress of popularity she was having back then so ya, I'm fine with her deleting everything on her community post except da doggy)* ok dis was basically a rant- but don't asked me why I'm up in 10: 43 PM- 


guys I FOCKING swear FPE writers are fallin out of the FPE fandom- there ain't no way I'm quitting fpe, dat shiet will take me a thousands- no BAJILLIONS of years to quit fpe- so ya, dat was just my lil rant :3


@nikki_loves_pizza prob one of them but i aint a writer (does it even make sense??)


Also, should I go to the phone repair shop cuz my literal close button FELL OF (as in the button on to turn of your phone)  my parents don't even know how to fix it and still refused to buy me a new one


@That_Gurl_Lovely is it just me or am i just used to having the power off button falling off??


@That_Gurl_Lovely hmmm, if you got bucks on ya, if you got some cash to fix it to the phone repair shop and ask your parents if you're allowed to go to the nearest phone repair shop in your place- ':)