
this message may be offensive
Shit! It's been just under a year, and I nearly forgot about this project :( I want to write more; my art has increased thanks to a new digital tablet; my medication is updated; I've not yet found a therapist; Lego is amazing but my kids don't yet have the patience; I'm looking to get the yard prepped for no more mowing; so many things. So many. I'm wondering if ADHD meds aren't in order.


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Shit! It's been just under a year, and I nearly forgot about this project :( I want to write more; my art has increased thanks to a new digital tablet; my medication is updated; I've not yet found a therapist; Lego is amazing but my kids don't yet have the patience; I'm looking to get the yard prepped for no more mowing; so many things. So many. I'm wondering if ADHD meds aren't in order.


Back in Virginia. My inspiration has all but dried up. I'm waiting for things to settle down while I prepare for a long D&D campaign with a family of Tabaxi. The plan is to rotate GMs so we don't get burnt out trying to outdo a previous quest. The hope is we'll develop a more improvised style of gaming that allows everyone to GM at the same time, coming up with a more or less cohesively random adventure.
          As with Mission to Zyxx, I've set up a framework of where we start and a general idea of where we want to be (either back home or resettled in a new place) at the end. Ideally, npcs will recur in order to tie campaigns together (more so than  just npcs that span several related modules).