
Hello everyone, it's been a while.  There's some changes that will be made on my account. The Novel “ My Best Friends Sister ”, will be removed from the app only a few sample chapters will remain. “ It is now an exclusive and published book". I'm sorry for this inconvenience, I'll upload the link for those that wishes to continue to read it and thank you to everyone that has read it. 


Hello everyone, it's been a while.  There's some changes that will be made on my account. The Novel “ My Best Friends Sister ”, will be removed from the app only a few sample chapters will remain. “ It is now an exclusive and published book". I'm sorry for this inconvenience, I'll upload the link for those that wishes to continue to read it and thank you to everyone that has read it. 


Hello everyone, I'm currently looking for anyone that's interested in reading and evaluating the first chapter of a new novel I'm currently working on if so please Dm me . Thank you.


@ niksrk  I would be really interrested. I just finished my best friends sister and I really liked it. I have left a comment. So you can check out what my thoughts were. And if you still want me to read a long side you, you know where to find me. Fan!


Sorry for not updating the stories as usual. I've been extremely busy. I'll be updating , Both stories soon..


@ta1ming7 yes I will a bit later this week 


Are u gnna continue the boss story?!??


Hey guys, so now that Duskwood has come to an end, we're anxiously waiting for the new Game. Would you guys like another Duskwood fanfic while we wait?. Let me know what you guys think.


@niksrk great  can't wait


I'll start One soon :)