
hiya! I hope everyone is well! I have some updates to share: 
          	1. More chapters will be coming out soon, I have been reading 'Imposter', 'Divergent' and 'Icebreaker' recently and again life has been challenging, but when is it not lol. 
          	2. I will be editing previous chapters and the story description.
          	I wrote these chapters from the top of my head and even though I re-read my chapters a hundred times before publishing, I don't feel as though they are engaging, so I will be rewriting and changing some of the last few chapters to better the storyline. 
          	Also, I just re-read the description... it needs work, at the time I thought it was very intriguing but let's just say it needs some work. So I will be editing/changing those things. 
          	Don't worry I'm not changing to much of the storyline just a tad bit to make it more of an intriguing and entertaining book for all the readers out there :)). 
          	I appreciate the feedback some of my readers have given me, it truly has helped a lot and I'm grateful for all the readers that enjoy my book so far. 
          	& last but not least;
          	3. I will be making an instagram for my book and other things I am working on, for example; Poetry and Photography. The reason for this is, so I could interact with all of you better because I'm not on Waatpad as much, but this way I could share new ideas and it would be better for updates and friendly interactions with the readers etc. I think it's a good idea :) if your interested in that I will create the account ASAP. 
          	I have an art account already, if you would like to follow that it's: @sketchbook._.artt on instagram. 
          	'and with that the 2023 season comes to an end...'
          	Again, thank you for the support and enjoying my first book (still ongoing). Here's to 2024, being better at posting chapters lol :) 
          	Love all of you! 


hiya! I hope everyone is well! I have some updates to share: 
          1. More chapters will be coming out soon, I have been reading 'Imposter', 'Divergent' and 'Icebreaker' recently and again life has been challenging, but when is it not lol. 
          2. I will be editing previous chapters and the story description.
          I wrote these chapters from the top of my head and even though I re-read my chapters a hundred times before publishing, I don't feel as though they are engaging, so I will be rewriting and changing some of the last few chapters to better the storyline. 
          Also, I just re-read the description... it needs work, at the time I thought it was very intriguing but let's just say it needs some work. So I will be editing/changing those things. 
          Don't worry I'm not changing to much of the storyline just a tad bit to make it more of an intriguing and entertaining book for all the readers out there :)). 
          I appreciate the feedback some of my readers have given me, it truly has helped a lot and I'm grateful for all the readers that enjoy my book so far. 
          & last but not least;
          3. I will be making an instagram for my book and other things I am working on, for example; Poetry and Photography. The reason for this is, so I could interact with all of you better because I'm not on Waatpad as much, but this way I could share new ideas and it would be better for updates and friendly interactions with the readers etc. I think it's a good idea :) if your interested in that I will create the account ASAP. 
          I have an art account already, if you would like to follow that it's: @sketchbook._.artt on instagram. 
          'and with that the 2023 season comes to an end...'
          Again, thank you for the support and enjoying my first book (still ongoing). Here's to 2024, being better at posting chapters lol :) 
          Love all of you! 


I'm excited to announce chapter 7 is now out to read! I'm incredibly excited to see that everyone thinks, things are starting to take off and get more interesting. I'm also happy to announce that I have graduated high school and will have more time to write more chapters that are going to be published, very soon! Thank you everyone for the support <33


Hi everyone!
          Sorry for being away for long. I have just gotten back from a 3 week trip to india and I've been sick for a week. So once I get better I'll be back to writing, just give me sometime to figure some things out.
          Thank you for the understanding and I'll see you soon 



@food_isbae_1196 it looks interesting, I'll for sure check it out


Hi, everyone! 
          I just publish Chapter 6: changes! You won't want to miss it! More Noah and Dawn in this chapter! 
          Feedback and suggestions are welcome, in the comment section or you can let me know in my DM's.
          Thank you for all your support :) <3 more chapter coming really soon!


Hi, you probably forgot who I am XD, but I have been really busy, with school, then moving and now doing summer school, sorry I haven't been updating everyone regularly.
          I have some news:
          1) I'm going to be writing again.
          I have been doubting myself lately, wondering if I'm a good writer, but I'm still a new writer, and I shouldn't pit to much pressure/stress on myself.
          2) I will be creating a schedule for publishing.
          I keep making open promises and then forget to write/publish my chapters, so I'm going to be making a schedule, and hopefully that will help my publish more and write more.
          3) I need your help.
          So, as you know, I'm a new writer, I have wrote a horror story before (never published) for fun, and I haven't completed that, so this is my first book, that I have published online, and my first book that I'm determined to finish. I have done some story's here and there for school.
          So, I need your help, any suggestions, or feedback that you can give is welcome, I would really appreciate any tips or tricks for a new writer.
          Thank you for your support, and see you soon :) 
          Bye, for now.


Hey everyone,
          I just posted chapter 4: The fundraiser.
          Story: Mysterious Love.
          go read it please, feedback and suggestions are welcome :) 
          ~thank you <3


@KenzieKovacs18 ♥︎♥︎♡♡


Excited to read it :) 


Okay... so it's been a whileeeee 
          I'm going to stop making promises, because I forget about the chapter and get stressed with school and other things.
          So when I'm about to post the chapter or posted the chapter I will let you all know.
          In the meantime, I will be focusing on school. 
          I'll start working on my book now, little by little until July, then I'll be focusing on my book more.
          Thank you for understanding, and thank you for your support 
          Also thank you for 180 read and 39 votes, that's so surreal to me!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡