
HEY ! Some informations here :
          	- so i already have the prompt of the next drabble, it will be short but fluffy af i think i'll post it this friday 
          	- so as you may know i love melost as a broship but also as a ship and... there aren't much stories about them and i have a smutty prompt in mind for them SO DO YOU WANT ME TO WRITE IT ?? (lmao i'll probably write it anyway but i need advice)
          	- I'M WORKING ON A LONG-FIC FOR SORAMAFU. It will be an AU but which ? Haha you'll see :)))) I hope i'll be able to post the prologue soon ! 


Hello jss ici prcq g fait un tour sur skyrock et bordel tas arrêtées ton blog mdr donc me voilà ;__; mais t'avais pas un autre blog avant Caucase sinon ??


@ _PrincessAsma  hey ! Je suis desolee j'avais deserte wattpad aussi et je viens de voir ton message mais oui oui j'avais plusieurs blogs sur skyrock : ningengirai, Caucase et OursenPeluche (c le seul qui existe encore d'ailleurs) ! Desolee pour la reponse si tardive ! 


HEY ! Some informations here :
          - so i already have the prompt of the next drabble, it will be short but fluffy af i think i'll post it this friday 
          - so as you may know i love melost as a broship but also as a ship and... there aren't much stories about them and i have a smutty prompt in mind for them SO DO YOU WANT ME TO WRITE IT ?? (lmao i'll probably write it anyway but i need advice)
          - I'M WORKING ON A LONG-FIC FOR SORAMAFU. It will be an AU but which ? Haha you'll see :)))) I hope i'll be able to post the prologue soon !