Currently in a state of mental shock right now because I just finished reading Ender's Game and Ender is the one of the best characters I've read about and I'm mentally dying right now because I don't have any of the sequels with me and Bean and Alai are so awesome and I still have a lot of other things to do that are almost all due before wednesday and I sincerely want to read any other book that contains the name Ender Wiggins in it because it's been forever since I've read such a good story like Ender's. Cause he's just that awesome
Thanks so much for following and reading Confessions! :D It's always so awesome when I see someone reading one of my works! If you haven't already, check out my new story, The Good and the Better! You might like it :3
Give this heart (❤<3) to everyone you don't want to lose in 2014, including me, if you care. Bonne annee!!! I miss you so, so much! Hope your tame your uke and continue to be an awesome flutist in the coming year! XOXO TheCitySlicker <3