
If anyone has watched Yuri on Ice and didn't get what it meant by "see you next level".... Well I did some research and it was explaining how there's different levels of ice skating, just as every other sport has them, but levels are also sometimes referred to as the testings, judges, and sometimes even the competitions, meaning that the animation teams is planning on a second season, at least. Or it could mean the next level of Yuri and Viktor's, or Victor's, relationship. I'm not entirely sure. I'll have to do more research. Just wanted to rant about this.


If anyone has watched Yuri on Ice and didn't get what it meant by "see you next level".... Well I did some research and it was explaining how there's different levels of ice skating, just as every other sport has them, but levels are also sometimes referred to as the testings, judges, and sometimes even the competitions, meaning that the animation teams is planning on a second season, at least. Or it could mean the next level of Yuri and Viktor's, or Victor's, relationship. I'm not entirely sure. I'll have to do more research. Just wanted to rant about this.


Thx 4 the follow..


@IDontAcceptChecks you can when I publish them! Which will probably be soon..


Thank you for following me, it means a lot to me even though I don't think anything I do is worth paying attention to, heh. Thanks!~


@GoldstarXD thanks for following me too ^•^


Aw, thanks. :)


@GoldstarXD no problem, to be honest I just love your description!