
HOLY CRAP. HOLY CRAP. HOLY CRAP!!!! BERNARD!! !OH MY GOSH! A BLACK BOOKS FANFICCCCCCCC!~~~~ I am literally twirling in my newly cleaned bedroom sister, TWIRLING. 
          OH sweet wondrous world! OH mysterious ways of the world! What,! What I say could have persuaded my elder sister to venture into the boundless realm of fanfiction?! I lead her to the world of wattpad but freely, FREELY I SAY, she has wound her way into the land of Fic. My heart! My beating heart! It weeps tears of joy, bloody joy!


Where are these comments about FF? I see none elder fool. And I never, NEVER EVER, thought I would see the words "Gibbs as god. So perfect." or some line like that come out of your mouth so to speak. As you can imagine I'm LOLing and mummy is wondering what is going on. Now, show me what you mean, quick fool, quick.