Having a friend edit/review chapters 3, 4, and 5. Should be released later tonight or tomorrow. Chapter 6 is in the process of being written, and will be released Wednesday or Thursday.
Having a friend edit/review chapters 3, 4, and 5. Should be released later tonight or tomorrow. Chapter 6 is in the process of being written, and will be released Wednesday or Thursday.
3 complete chapters / 15-20 doc page coming tomorrow. In the process of editing now. Then I'll do a normal release Wednesday. Thank you for your patience!
Had a busy week this week. To compensate, however, I plan on doing a 2-3 chapter release sometime this weekend as well as a release sometime in the normal frame next week. Thanks for your patience!
Nevermind. Really sorry, found a few plot holes in the first two sections that I'm working on closing up to make in mesh better with the new addition. Will be published either late tonight or tomorrow.