this message may be offensive
Okay so I just need somewhere to rant and this is the only place I can rn so if you want you can just ignore this. My mom got mad at me today for literally no reason. I was just studying bcs I have an important test next week for a subject wich im failing so I really want a good grade. My mom was already mad at me bcs she said I was on my phone all the time, WHILE I WASNT EVEN ON MY PHONE! so she already had my phone. So I was studying and she walks in and I say "hey" and she ignores me so I say "hey" again and she begins to scream at me and insult me so I just ignore it and continue doing my homework, and she calls me an ungrateful brat and a bitch and says that I do nothing and shit like that when that's also not even true bcs I always help, like in the house and also outside and everything. And then she just TAKES MY BROTHERS COMPUTER WHERE I WAS ONLY DOING HOMEWORK WITH AND SAY "It's my computer" AND JUST TAKES IT WITH HER. And then she insults me yet again and goes away leaving me crying and then my dad comes in. AND THEN SHE HAS THE AUDACITY TO LIE TO MY DAD AND SAY THAT I WAS WATCHING NETFLIX AND NOT EVEN DOING MY HOMEWORK!!! and the thing that I hate the most is that she never leaves until she manages to make me cry, and with her I cry pretty soon bcs it really hurts. and don't get me wrong bcs I love my mom I really do but she needs to stop being a two-faced bitch all the time bcs one moment im the perfect child that everyone wants to have, she's so helpful and everything and the next im an ungrateful brat, a bitch, I do nothing and on and on and on it goes. and im really sick of it. And I get that she gets really stressed out from work and she works really hard but you don't get to take it out on me when I can't do anything abt that. Last time this happend she drove me to the edge of an anxiety attack and it was really scary 'cause I've never had an anxiety or a panick attack. now I don't get my phone 'til monday "If i'm nice otherwise she'll throw it out.