Guys :( I really am sorry about this but I'm experiencing a bad writers block right now I got up to half of the last bonus chapter and just can't write after. I keep going back to see if anything comes up but nothing. I'm slacking right now. But, it is coming trust me. You guys are gonna get this last chapter for sure. Just giving me some time I haven't forgot about this book. Thank you for being patient for those waiting on this last chapter. I appreciate you guys honestly! Just wanted to let you guys know. Hope everything is going well for everyone! <3

@dang_imaginethat Awww thank you. I really hope you recover from that writer's block. It took me a good while. But just published a new chapter! Hope you are staying healthy as well <3

@nisse56 Take your time love,you have a life outside of wattpad. We can live without a couple of chapters for awhile,i also have pretty back writers block rn so i know how it feels.Stay healty✯