
Sorry I haven't been writing! I may not write for a but longer due to moving and all that great stuff. I also have no motivation. I hope everyone is doing well and I swear I'm trying to write. Have a good day/night!


So I'm a fidgety person and today we had to put our cameras on for school. I get a lot more fidgety the more awkward nervous or scared I am. I only have 3 classes a day out of six. So tomorrow I need to join three more classes. Three more classes of students seeing me. Today I was super fidgety like I said and it felt like they were staring at me and I got more fidgety. And I don't wanna go through that again. Please help me. Like any advice?


@XoeriksXo okay thanks! I might try something but who knows


Oh.. I’m like this, I usually have something to hold on to or something but I don’t know what else....


DDIAMDVRIWNWRPVMRRIE. I have two exams roday. Geometry and Spanish. And I suck at both subjects ;-;


@nitetimeperson aNd I'm gOnNa KeEp DiSaPpOiNtInG mY pArEnTs BaIiiIiII


@Life_Sucks_Mah_Dude oKaY. iM gOnStA kEeP fAiLiNg ThE sTuPiD eXaMs


You have been chosen to be showered in affection.
          Please post this on the boards of everyone you think deserves all the affection.
          It you received:
          1-2: You're a good person
          3-4: You're very nice
          5-6: You're popular
          7-8: You're a very lovable person
          9+: I'm jealous


If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral. I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you. We are true friends. We ride together, we do together. Send this to everyone you care about including me. See hod many time you get this. I want you to know you're an amazing friend, till death and forever. If I don't get this back I understand but I have a game for you once you read this letter, send this to 15 including me. If you get this back you're loved. Nobody knows how how important something is until they lose it. Apparently, if you copy and paste this you'll have the best day of your life tomorrow. I love you ❤️


@Life_Sucks_Mah_Dude i cant copy and paste on my phone. so i will do this and send it to you when my mom comes home with the comp!