
hi everyone! i want to start writing another 5sos fic, preferably for luke or michael and i SWEAR i wont delete anything this time:)
          	just need plot ideas 


@conspiracy-ash_ i deleted the calum fic </3


@nitswlukee just pick my brain about any ideas u need :) 
          	  also do u still have that calum book in ur drafts or did u actually delete it?? 


hi everyone! i want to start writing another 5sos fic, preferably for luke or michael and i SWEAR i wont delete anything this time:)
          just need plot ideas 


@conspiracy-ash_ i deleted the calum fic </3


@nitswlukee just pick my brain about any ideas u need :) 
            also do u still have that calum book in ur drafts or did u actually delete it?? 


hi everyone! im sorry its late (for me) but im so so so deeply sorry to say that i'll be deleting always an angel. i've loved writing it and i wish it got more love from me than it did. i wish i could expand on calum and charlotte's story, but i juat can't continue writing it. i'm so sorry to everyone who loved it, and maybe i'll write some new fics next year!! but i'll be deleting wattpad for now. hope everyone had a good 2023 :)


@nitswlukee even tho u deleted ur stories, and ur deleting wp, i still loved them. hope u had a good 2023 as well !! can’t wait to see u next year !! <3


hi im still alive!! this month has been super busy for me to sit down and write on here, i PROMISE i will try my hardest to write after the holidays. if you want to read more of my work follow me on tumblr keerysfreckles!! i write there a lot more than i write on here :)


@nitswlukee hiii!! ur alive !! it’s okay, take all the time u need !! holidays are stressful, and writers block is hard to get over !! but take ur time !! no one here is gonna complain if u don’t update !! love u <33 


im so sorry abt how inactive ive been :( i'll get back to writing both of my stories as soon as inspiration strikes!!! thank you all for being patient


@nitswlukee it’s okay, we’ve all been busy at some point !! inspiration is really hard to get, i get it all the time !! we can get through it together, and yes i’m a patient person, so i gave u some space, love u <33


@nitswlukee I was worried tbh. But Don't worry Hit us with your banger books when you feel like it