
hello guyzz the most awaited album of our all time fav parth samthaan is here 
          	 #tujokahe #music #album#parth #love


Hello guyzz.....
          Hw are u all .....?
          I really want to update for u policy but unfortunately there is some problem with my laptop actually while i  was catching my lappy in one hand walking  it slipped from my hand ........ Now i have  to send it to service centre hopefully by next week it will get repaired moreover i don't have a wattpad app in my mobile so i cant give replys for Ur  personal messages as well and i cant publish new chapters so i am extremely sorry for making u guyzz w8 once i am back nah I'll give back to back updates pacca promise and that to long updates i hope u guyzz understand .........
          Luv u all 


guyzz tank u so much for ur luv and support my sotry in in 49th position 
          omg 2 days back when i saw it it was in #281 position 
          i am so happy nw 
          tank u so much guyzz i just hope u ppl will keep supporting 
          and wish me good luck for my exams and ill start uploading my story from next mnth on wards..................
          bye for nw


hello guyzz  hw are u all dng ?
          ik  u all might be curing me for not updating 
          but guyzz trust me frm march 9th i have my 12th boards and i am sacred to the core...................
          as soon as my boards and entrace exams finish ill giv u 2-3 updates in a day.................
          ok bye for nw i gtg
          till then keep missing me 
          just the way i miss u guyzzz 
          bye nw good sleep tight dont let the bed bugs bite u.........................
          luv u all ...............<3 <3 <3
          and haan plz pray for me 
          and  yeah most imp thing dnt forget my stroy 
          if i get time in between ill definetly update guyzz 
          and plz pray for me that i shld get 90 % in my boards


hey thanks <3


@nitunitisha All the best . 
            Hope you get more than 90%.


when 'll u update yr
          missing ur story so much


it's k take ur tym 


            may ending pacca wid out fail ill update 
            plzzz w8 karlo


@matttto awww i miss u tooo
            but what do  yaar i have my boards in 15days ....................baadh mein few entrace exams ..............................
            may ending mein pakka ill update 
            plz understand 
            i am trying to write small parts but uk i am unable to manage time dear
            afterall its my 12th i can compromise with my studies nah