
Sucker love is Heaven sent
          	You pucker up, our passion's spent
          	My hearts a tart, your body's rent
          	My body's broken, yours is bent
          	Sucker love, a box I choose
          	No other box I choose to use
          	Another love I would abuse
          	No circumstances could excuse
          	In the shape of things to come
          	Too much poison come undone
          	'Cuz there's nothing else to do
          	Every me and every you
          	Sucker love is known to swing
          	Prone to cling and waste these things
          	Placebo - Every You, Every Me - <3


Sucker love is Heaven sent
          You pucker up, our passion's spent
          My hearts a tart, your body's rent
          My body's broken, yours is bent
          Sucker love, a box I choose
          No other box I choose to use
          Another love I would abuse
          No circumstances could excuse
          In the shape of things to come
          Too much poison come undone
          'Cuz there's nothing else to do
          Every me and every you
          Sucker love is known to swing
          Prone to cling and waste these things
          Placebo - Every You, Every Me - <3


I refuse to remain in regret
          To pander like a slave to your wants
          No contrition from me will you get
          No submission to dilettantes
          Now I vein in the scene of sunsets
          And the rain washes clean my mind
          Every one of my needs will be met
          Every planet will be aligned
          Catherine wheel
          Higher power
          Help me start to heal
          Over power all my fear
          Placebo - B3 <3


i wanna tell you about : 
          Artist Vladimir Volegov the artist <3 .....pls check out his amazing paintings ,you will love it like i did <3 
          Born in Khabarovsk, Russia, Vladimir began painting at the age of three and his talent would be noted repeatedly throughout his adolescence. After having attended the art school, "Krivoj rog" and having served in the army, Vladimir was admitted to the lvov polygraphic institute in the former Soviet Union. Beginning in 1984 Vladimir began participating in, and winning, international competitions for poster art. Vladimir moved to Moscow in 1988 and before long Vladimir's career in commercial art was in full swing.
          Notable russian publishing houses sought his talents to design posters and cd and cassette covers for musical groups. While working with the publishing houses he continued to work on his paintings and participate in exhibitions. In 1990 Vladimir began traveling to Europe where he earned money by painting portraits on the streets of Barcelona, Berlin, Vienna and other european cities. It is with this experience he further honed his skills in depicting the human form.
          Over the past fourteen years, his art has evolved into the striking figurative work he creates today. Vladimir's vibrant color palette and bold strokes coalesce to create evocative images that possess a timeless sensibility.


just a thought : 
          Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect, it means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections. There are choices you can make every day to feel the effects of happiness. Choose to be around the right people. Choose to focus on what you have, not on what you haven’t. Choose a good attitude. Choose to express gratitude. Choose to forgive. Choose to take care of your body. Begin today by taking responsibility for your own happiness. The choice is yours.


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anyone seen this old great horror movie called ( in the mouth of madness ) really great one , i do love my classics lol .... just the idea of old beings and the man down the food chain ! really loved it ...........if u like 2 be afraid lol u must watch this movie ;-)  


okay all ppl i love <3 ..yes u 4 real lol 
          just finished with my book ( about love )
          and sure u love love and reading about it :-p 
          so read mine will u pls 
          make me happy ,read it and tell me what do u think ,speak your mind and tell anything :-)   .... read ,vote ,comment ..... u know i do the same4 u so be kind :-)