
Alright! After a bit of a delay I've just published the latest chapter for The Hare and Hound. Adira finds herself alone, but not so alone in the Syrian desert with just some vague directions to follow the sun due west, but things get weird as they tend to when you're dehydrated with a minor concussion!


Alright! After a bit of a delay I've just published the latest chapter for The Hare and Hound. Adira finds herself alone, but not so alone in the Syrian desert with just some vague directions to follow the sun due west, but things get weird as they tend to when you're dehydrated with a minor concussion!


I'm at a turning point in my novel, The Hare and Hound. After a surreal experience in the cave, Adira is heading into the desert and help could be on the way... but that sounds a bit too easy!  Any thoughts or suggestions?


I'm storm watching out my window at the Salish Sea! There's two twin eagles soaring and enjoying the updrafts, and a fantastic contrast between a gray wall of cloud and hints of pink sunset to the southwest. A perfect day to stay cozy and write. Anyone else agree?