
Jeez, I was late on saying this. By about 2 weeks. Eh, better late then never. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! That will be all. All of you can have a chat with me if you like. Alright, yeah. Alright, see you in the next chapter of one of my books. And respond to my last post, if you like. Alright bye for real this time.


Jeez, I was late on saying this. By about 2 weeks. Eh, better late then never. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! That will be all. All of you can have a chat with me if you like. Alright, yeah. Alright, see you in the next chapter of one of my books. And respond to my last post, if you like. Alright bye for real this time.


Alright, so I'm on writers block right now. You know, the usual for literally anyone who decides that they want to participate in the activity of writing/typing stories using their vocabulary that they were born with. So, I've got an idea. A Sonic Forces story, but with a dark, twisted, and, according to what like, a better version of Sonic Forces. Tell me if literally any of you want to see that story play out, and I'll provide more detail to some of the changes and adaptations to Sonic Forces that I'll make. Anyway, see you later. Hopefully in the next chapter of any of my books.


@Banannnnj Don't worry, I'm already working on the next chapter of Shattered Dimensions and have part of the next chapter of Return of the Shadow in my drafts.


Hey dude !


@rapter10 I know that's a thing, but do you mean it as an app? Because if so, then no


Reeeeee!!!!!!! FaceTime?????