
Hey! Can I have feedback for this draft? 
          	School is tough, but for many, it's a never-ending battle. For some it's stressful, it's scary, and it's difficult. For Katelyn, she went through all the tough events. It was confusing for Katelyn. She wasn't smart but she also wasn't stupid. She wasn't gorgeous, but she wasn't extremely hideous. But she knew one thing, she wasn't likable.  Her classmates couldn't stand her, nobody could tolerate her. Katelyn had one friend but deep down Kate knows that the friendship is forced. Just for pity.  She knew her 'Friend' Sydney was trying to look like a good person just for being friends with the "Weird girl."
          	Katelyn wasn't a loner but grew to that personality. Katelyn always came to school, her dirty blond hair in tangles because she knew nobody would care if she brushed it. She never cared about the way she dressed, always dressing in a hoodie and jeans. Most kids her age were wearing make-up and trying out new hairstyles, except for Kate. She got made fun of a lot. More than she can remember.


@naomitheweirdo But so far, it's really good!


@naomitheweirdo You could do 'But she wasn't considered stupid, either.' on the 3rd row


Hey! Can I have feedback for this draft? 
          School is tough, but for many, it's a never-ending battle. For some it's stressful, it's scary, and it's difficult. For Katelyn, she went through all the tough events. It was confusing for Katelyn. She wasn't smart but she also wasn't stupid. She wasn't gorgeous, but she wasn't extremely hideous. But she knew one thing, she wasn't likable.  Her classmates couldn't stand her, nobody could tolerate her. Katelyn had one friend but deep down Kate knows that the friendship is forced. Just for pity.  She knew her 'Friend' Sydney was trying to look like a good person just for being friends with the "Weird girl."
          Katelyn wasn't a loner but grew to that personality. Katelyn always came to school, her dirty blond hair in tangles because she knew nobody would care if she brushed it. She never cared about the way she dressed, always dressing in a hoodie and jeans. Most kids her age were wearing make-up and trying out new hairstyles, except for Kate. She got made fun of a lot. More than she can remember.


@naomitheweirdo But so far, it's really good!


@naomitheweirdo You could do 'But she wasn't considered stupid, either.' on the 3rd row