Here we go!
in fact, this is the one character that i like so much that i want to make a story about him!
I hope you can enjoy the story~
Here we go!
in fact, this is the one character that i like so much that i want to make a story about him!
I hope you can enjoy the story~
Halo kak author~
Maaf sebelumnya kan
Aku aku tanya kak, kapan lanjutin karya kakak yang judulnya after life :reincarnation-prince of white?
Udah penasaran banget nih kak
Mana ceritanya nggantung lagi
Sekian terimakasih dan maaf lagi
@fadilah362 Hai juga~ maaf sebelumnya udah bikin penasaran, tapi buat novel ini sedang dalam revisi karena penulisannya banyak yang salah dan kurang...terima kasih udah nungguin :)