Dear anyone who has found interest in my book and/or wants to know why it hasn't been updated,
Well, 1.) I've been very busy at school, just like a lot of other authors. A lot of finals and tests and things to do to finish up the rest of the year are all piling higher every day. 2.) I'm actually writing another story as well, about a girl meeting a guy type thing like usual, but it's a little different and I actually planned this one, not just deadpanned it like I did my survival one. 3.) I'm forgetting a lot. Like, what the story was about, how I was planning to continue or end it, and, to be honest, I already wrote about ten other chapters that haven't been published, but I keep changing my mind on what I think should happen, so if anyone has ideas or anything about what you'd like to happen, message me or comment on this post and tell me about it. I might include it and give you credit.