So we need to hand in our phones right, to eliminate any chance of cheating right. Well some kids pretended to not have their phones w them (I was one of them, like no sir, no you cant take my phone). And so one kid did this too but like halfway through the test his phone slipped outta his pocket and onto the hardwood floor. When I heard it fall out, I just heard it completely CRACK. And so this kid picks up his phone to 'inspect' his phone and asses the damage, but AS SOON AND I MEAN AS SOON as he stopped bending over to collect his phone. The invigilator did a lil drive by and completely SNACHED that phone outta his hand and ran with it to give it to our hoy (head of year). Idk what happened to the phone, hope its ok but he was being absolutely scolded for that.
I must admit, kinda feel bad for the kid