
@selin_sweet  i knowww but the book is amazing! I have read it at least 5 times and its definitely my fave book.


@katyqueen all three books are amazing. I've read them over and over again. team aspen or team maxon. needless to ask actually. it's obvious. the quote that you shared on your profile.


@selin_sweet  i knowww but the book is amazing! I have read it at least 5 times and its definitely my fave book.


@katyqueen all three books are amazing. I've read them over and over again. team aspen or team maxon. needless to ask actually. it's obvious. the quote that you shared on your profile.


Heyyy guyyyys! I have good news and bad news. The good news, its my birthday today! Yay! Im finally 14! The bad news is im not updating this weekend. But i might update on monday because i dont have school. Hooray Labor Day! Ok soo yeah sorry for the bad news...


heyyy :D i know u guys start school early and its fine. Btw i don't know if i mentioned but the high school exam results are announced and i made it! i won the school i wanted. I am really happy right now and i wanted to share my happiness :* I hope u are doing well and not dealing with high school drama ;D message me when u can
          Love Youuuu!!