Wait what? Noooooooo donnnnnn'tttt leave!! I LOVE YOU TOO! MARRY ME AND STAY ON WATTPAD BECAUSE I CANNOT SURVIVE LOS OR TLH OR ANYTHING WITHOUT YOU! And if you decide to leave, I will miss you with al of my Herondale heart. I will miss you more than Jace would miss Clary (cheesy as fk).
I'm not saying good luck in your future because I don't want you to leave and saying good luck actually doesn't help getting it, but if it did, I would wish you all the luck in your life.
The Angel will always be with you, my friend. Even though Raziel is a bit of a i-don't-care, he will care about you. Or I will kill him, personally.
Don't try to die in a demon battle, will you?
To bad you will miss my probably best fanfiction ever now in making published...
Always and forever
Love from Muriël x
Ps: I might kidnap you and force you to become part of my not existing Wattpad army.