
Considering I haven't been on here since July I am officially going inactive on this Wattpad account, I unpublished most of my stories, leaving the more popular or my favorites up even if they're not completed. 
          	There are stories in my drafts that I am interested in finishing but if I do end up finishing them I won't publish it until its completely done, that being said I haven't actually published anything new in probably over a year so if anything comes out of this account its because I really believe in it.


@nobody012345678 well, that's unfortunate. If you do consider coming back, you're more than welcome to. 


Considering I haven't been on here since July I am officially going inactive on this Wattpad account, I unpublished most of my stories, leaving the more popular or my favorites up even if they're not completed. 
          There are stories in my drafts that I am interested in finishing but if I do end up finishing them I won't publish it until its completely done, that being said I haven't actually published anything new in probably over a year so if anything comes out of this account its because I really believe in it.


@nobody012345678 well, that's unfortunate. If you do consider coming back, you're more than welcome to. 