
2K!!!!! For Cursed Speech


Erm…haha. I’ve already finished writing the next chapter for word 6 if cursed speech…I swear if I end up publishing three chapters today imma die.
          That’s a whole lot of words…and a lot of text to speech cause I ain’t got my laptop to type into. It sucks 
          But anyway. In maybe an hour or so there will be another chapter. 
          Love you all and thanks for all the views.
          Anyway. Sorry for that little problem with word 5…


I have a question about cursed speech
          Would you like me to add translations of what Y/n says in captions or would you like me to just leave them as they are without translations?
          no translation; salmon 
          Translation; salmon (yes)
           idk what to do please help


Part 4 of Cursed Speech is on the way. I’m almost finished writing it down on paper. It will probably be typed up later today, and most likely published tonight or tomorrow morning (early) 
          Very sorry for the wait. I’m also working on other chapters for Cursed Speech that should have been finished long ago. 
          Thank you all for the reads and votes. I’m glad you guys like it 


I’m very sorry for the long wait for the next chapter of cursed speech. It’s a very long chapter and I’ve been struggling with it. 
          Luckily, I’m close to finishing it! 
          It’s just annoying because I write down on paper as a draft then type onto my phone
          It’s very annoying some days.
          But thank you for all the reads, I really appreciate it and I hope that all of you enjoy this story even if it’s not interesting right now.