For: nocreativity1
          Just want to say, Thank you very much. Thank you for supporting our 7 princes. Thank you for loving all BTS wholeheartedly without caring about their past. Thank you for being part of ARMY and accepting the lack of BTS and its fandom. Thank you frankly for supporting even though sometimes you have to be scolded. Thank you very much, nocreativity1. I purple u, so much. ♡ 


@ nocreativity1  ❤❤❤


@Staraaaaa  oh wow well no problem and thanks for encouraging Armys and new ones to love them ppl get easy influenced by the image sm give them, we know the truth and we need to spread it so they can know how amazing it is to support them and how incredible they are lol as my name tells u i have no creativity so i'll stop talking lol have a nice day stara and sorry for the late answer 