
Back to writing (I hope). 
          	I’ve spent a long time away from my keyboard. I’ve been avoiding it, fear of failure, judgement, stupid perfectionism - you name it.
          	I can’t believe I’ve been avoiding something I loved so much though. I still love it. Creating stories, meddling with characters and arranging words to make sense and tell stories is part of me.
          	So, I have decided to stop hiding from it. 
          	I’m going to be writing more regularly. I plan to take part in Camp Nanowrimo again. I’ll be posting things that might not be perfect, but I don’t want them to to be. That’s what editing drafts is for.
          	So look forward to more content. If any of my old Wattpad friends and fellow writers are still around I hope we can support each other. And if you’re no longer writing, I hope you take up the keyboard/pen/quill and jump back into what you love.
          	Screw university/school/work, telling stories is far more fun.


I haven’t written in so long either, but I’m just lacking the motivation unfortunately! can’t wait to read what you write though xx


@nocturnal- I'm so glad to see that you're back, Caroline! I cannot wait to see the new stories that you post, and know that I am still here to always support everything you put out! (If you don't remember me, it's Catie! I can't remember if my username was 'Fangirl501' when we met or 'Broken_Skies', but I am the same person!) x


Back to writing (I hope). 
          I’ve spent a long time away from my keyboard. I’ve been avoiding it, fear of failure, judgement, stupid perfectionism - you name it.
          I can’t believe I’ve been avoiding something I loved so much though. I still love it. Creating stories, meddling with characters and arranging words to make sense and tell stories is part of me.
          So, I have decided to stop hiding from it. 
          I’m going to be writing more regularly. I plan to take part in Camp Nanowrimo again. I’ll be posting things that might not be perfect, but I don’t want them to to be. That’s what editing drafts is for.
          So look forward to more content. If any of my old Wattpad friends and fellow writers are still around I hope we can support each other. And if you’re no longer writing, I hope you take up the keyboard/pen/quill and jump back into what you love.
          Screw university/school/work, telling stories is far more fun.


I haven’t written in so long either, but I’m just lacking the motivation unfortunately! can’t wait to read what you write though xx


@nocturnal- I'm so glad to see that you're back, Caroline! I cannot wait to see the new stories that you post, and know that I am still here to always support everything you put out! (If you don't remember me, it's Catie! I can't remember if my username was 'Fangirl501' when we met or 'Broken_Skies', but I am the same person!) x


Caroline, girl, I really miss you! I just went through my messages and read through when we would talk! You probably don't recognize my user, I've had a few since we last spoke! I can't remember if I was Fangirl501 or Broken_Skies when we met, but this is Catie :) If you ever wanna catch up, hit me up girl! 
          Hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/evening! xx


Hi guys,
          I'm terribly sorry for how vacant I've been of late. I've had a flareup with my joint condition and have been drowning in schoolwork.
          Hopefully chapter 6 of Shattering Souls should be up soon, my appologies for the wait, but hopefully with holidays coming up I should be good!
          Thanks, yet again, I'm very sorry for being MIA for so long!
          Caroline x


@nocturnal-  Aw I hope you're doing okay and the school is being understanding! Can't wait for more of your brilliant writing thought ;D xx


@nocturnal- AW CARO HOW ARE YOU?? Don't worry about updating, you're so much more important! I love you, and hope you are okay!! <3