Nocturnal_bookworm is a teen who loves reading novels. She prefers mystery/thriller and young adult genres. She likes watching sitcoms too. She is not a music-lover. She is lazy, suffers from insomnia and an extreme addiction to food and Quora. She also has a weird obsession with quotes. She spends most of her spare time reading and collecting quotes. She likes writing about herself in third person point of view because that is not weird at all. ;)

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily." ~Zig Ziglar.

"Our education system: every body is genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, then it will live it's whole of life believing that it is stupid"-- Albert Einstein.
  • JoinedJune 30, 2015