
{¤} hello owls and owlettes, admin speaking.  I wanted to state that I will give my acc a little update. Don't worry,  I will still be a Stolas themed account since I honestly love him to much as a character to even consider changing my account to be themed based off of a different character from a different fandom or whatever. 
          	    ||Anyways,  tldr: I will be giving my account a bit of an update soon.


{¤} hello owls and owlettes, admin speaking.  I wanted to state that I will give my acc a little update. Don't worry,  I will still be a Stolas themed account since I honestly love him to much as a character to even consider changing my account to be themed based off of a different character from a different fandom or whatever. 
              ||Anyways,  tldr: I will be giving my account a bit of an update soon.


{¤} hello owl and owlettes, how are we doing on this...interesting Wednesday? 


@S1N-0F-GREED <☆>
            {¤} I can say the same for you. 


@nocturnalbuis- blitz: I guess, it's a holiday soon I guess 


@S1N-0F-GREED  <☆>
            {¤} ah, I hope so too.  Thank you.


after  another  night  of  stella's  harsh  words  being  screamed  at  stolas,  it  was  awfully  quiet  in  their  teenaged  child's  room.  when  stolas  had  knocked  on  the  cracked  door,  it  creaked  and  pushed  itself  out  of  the  way -  revealing  an  empty  room.  everything  was  clean  and  neat  looking  like  nobody  entered  the  room  that  day,  or  octavia's  just  that  good  at  picking  up  behind  themself.  the  room  was  tidy.  no  shoes,  and  one  excruciatingly  important  detail  was  quickly  noticed.  / no /  octavia .  .  .


@cosmicstruck ♤
            Upon realizing that Octavia wasn't in their room , stolas frantically checks the other rooms of the estate in a panic . ' where could they be ? Are they okay ? Did I do something wrong ? ' he thought to himself , hoping that he can find the teenager and that they're safe .


“Stolas…I um…know lately we haven’t gotten along, but I really need to talk to you, it’s an emergency.”
          The swan teared up, looking at her now ex husband, who at this point was the only person she could trust.


@_Starlight_Swan_ ♧
            Stolas went silent , realizing that his ex-wife might not be lying to him . " stella . . . " He paused , thinking for moment before finishing his sentence  . " I'll let you live with me and help you through this situation . " He lowered his arms and get closer to the swan . " but . . . only on one condition : don't do the same things that you did when we were still married . "


            Stella let out a sigh.
            “Yes. I really don’t know what to do- the affair just kind of happened one day- and I hired him as a bodyguard- and then we confessed that we liked each other romantically- and we were drunk one night and didn’t use protection- and…well- now this. He knows about it and fully wants to help me raise the child…but- I’m worried about it going public- especially with my family being able to find out.”
            The swan laid her head in her hands, sighing softly.
            “And I’m sorry- for the whole assassin thing- I didn’t want to do it but I was scared of my brother and what he’d do.”


@_Starlight_Swan_ ♧
            Stolas eyes widened in surprise before closing his eyes so he could try to process all that was said . " Let me get this straight  . . . the assassination attempt was your brother's idea , you was in an affair with the said assassin , and you ended up getting pregnant with his child . Am I correct ? " He asked , making sure that he didn't misheard anything . 


its  been  a  few  years  since  octavia  had  moved  out,  octavia  had  met  a  man  that  they  liked  and  he  liked  them  back -  so  they  got  married  ( after  he  earned  stolas's  approval )  and  had  two  kids.  little  aurora  goetia,  the  young  owlette  princess,  and  little  cassius  goetia,  the  young  owl  prince.  " mama!  can  we  go  see  grandpa? "  cass  asked,  octavia  hummed  at  the  thought  of  seeing  their  father  " yeah -  sure "  they  agreed.
          at  the  childhood  castle  of  octavia's,  there  was  stolas -  it  was  quiet.  it  was  kind  of  lonely.  until  there  was  a  knock  at  the  door,  on  the  other  side  of  the  door  stood  the  two  owl  children.  octavia  was  on  the  phone  with  their  husband  a  bit  far  away,  carrying  something  quite  heavy.
          " i'll  call  you  back  later - "  they  hung  up  then  smiled  at  their  father  " hi  dad " 


@cosmicstruck ♤
            " Why hello there , aurora and cassius . It's a pleasure to meet the both of you . " stolas greeted the children , giving both of them a smile as he gets on one knee so they don't have to look up at him most of the time . " you have such lovely children , Octavia ! " 


" this  is  my  daughter  aurora "  octavia  introduced,  aurora  waved  happily -  while  their  son  hid  behind  their  leg  " and  this  is  cassius,  he's  a  bit  shy,  dont  worry. "  the  boy  made  a  small  squeak  noise,  glancing  up  nervously


@cosmicstruck ♤
            Hearing the voice of a little child , stolas looked down to notice the two children . He was surprised for a moment , his expression of surprised quickly turn to a warm and gentle smile . " Indeed I am , little one . " He answered the little girl , looking at   her .