My name is Emily, I'm 27, I'm a YouTuber Fangirl Alum, and I used to read a lot of gay fanfiction on this website. Troyler, Phan, LiS, even the occasional 1D AU (COAGDP in particular). These people and these stories meant so much to me at such an important part of my life, and they've helped shape who I am today. To the authors of my most beloved fanfics, thank you.

I've unpublished all of my own works, but feel free to reach out if you need a copy of anything of mine you read back in the day. I may re-publish my stuff again at some point, we'll see.

As for me, I'm just a chronically ill wlw who still loves reading and writing more than life itself.

I love you, stay hydrated <3

*insert Troye Sivan wink* byeeeeeeee
  • Camp Walden for Girls
  • JoinedJuly 1, 2013

3 Reading Lists