
i may cut it.


@kimaquare       it took lots of years and help from my mother to finally learn to manage my hair properly,   for she had the same mane as i     —- even some days i get lazy     ..so i let the maidens fix it up


some  of  the  others  think  that  too,    *  mindlessly  tracing  the  edge  of  his  cup—  he  heaves  out  a  dramatic  sigh.   *  how  do  you  deal  with  yours?    it’s so long.  


@kimaquare      if you wish it,    although i do believe the long locks suit you


.. why are you hiding all the way out here ? 


@draqeir       perhaps,   for i can feel vaela growing restless the more i sit down here.    [  her ivory mount,   vaela,   was at the age in which dragons grew restless and never wanted to remain docile in their respective pits,   but daenaera couldn’t keep up with her needs     ..to which she ultimately felt guilty about.   even from those very steps,   she could hear the echoing bellow that came from her very dragon      resulting in a sigh faltering past her lips.   wiping her sandy hands along her skirt,   she opts to break the somewhat awkward silence by standing up and picking up one of the candles scattered around them,   ]    she cannot get mad if we were out with our dragons,   now can she


@nomartyr         ah.    [he wouldn’t consider himself surprised, not even disappointed. raenor had no other reaction but.. exhaustion. in a way that you would give up and let your children be children.   perhaps it was a good thing that he missed his son’s scolding, as it would somehow be turned on him— and all four of the men in the household would be in trouble, each at a corner if her mother  was determined enough.   he draws his arms forward allowing them to rest upon his knees.  turning his attention away from her and towards the dimly lit candles of the pit ]     well, my initial plan was to give bludwynge a visit. fly him across the city ..      you are welcomed to join me 


@draqeir     rhaenar and jaecerys thought it would be a funny idea to vex aemond     ..and now they both have busted lips from being hit together      —-you missed mother scolding him,   rather loudly too   [  daenaera was at the primal age where she seemed to grow a sense of distaste to everyone she was in the vicinity with.   her mother had reassured her that it was normal,   parts of her wished she would be less    ..angry,    but that was a woman’s curse.   even when her brothers weren’t causing a scene,   she always seemed to sneak away to the pits.   despite everything,   she truly ever only felt comfort in the company of the plethora of dragons that remained in the pit.   with a soft sigh once he opted to sit down next to her on the sandy,  yet almost dirty steps into the tunnels     her gaze remained on the sand by her feet,   sketching nothings into it,   ]    what brings  /you/  down here?


you  are  a  traitor.   


@kimaquare        firstly    ..why are you awake and roaming the halls well past midnight?    secondly,    nothing happened.    i went to check in on him and left,   that is all


i  seen  you,    exiting  viserys  chambers  well  past  midnight.     


@kimaquare        i’m far from one,   what are you talking about?


.. how do you know where my (chambers) are 


@reapsowed      while what’s done is done,  it’s not fair    —to you.    [  she wasn’t an expert on parental relationships,   for both of her parents died before her thirteenth birthday,    but for some odd reason    ..she could sort of understand him,  from a perspective.   no matter what he did,   no matter how hard he tried,  it truly would never be enough for his father.   while her own father than been dead for a long while,   she felt the same residual feeling with her brother.   she opted to keep her distance though,  sitting herself down in the closest chair she could find.   it felt weird,   being in his presence at this late of night     ..alone,   for that matter.   but in hindsight,   if he truly did not want her potential presence,   he would have just shooed her away or slammed the door in her face    ..to which both she was assuming would happen,   yet here she was,   fingers still attacking each other amongst the formed ball in her lap,  she remained straight,   pressed amongst the back of the chair she found occupancy in,  ]     and i’m sure you’ve heard enough pity today    ..so i don’t mean it in that way,   but i truly am sorry.    i am no man,   nor will i ever be a father     ..but whether you believe it so or not,   you didn't deserve it


@nomartyr      [ he squints his eyes at her at first, then it falls away, chuckling  dryly.  his wine was gone,  he had nothing to distract himself with .. therefore, he did what was only available at the time,  he removed the furs from his bed and wrapped them around himself, plopping on his side . watching the candle light dance on the stoned wall ]      fine.   perfect.  absolutely delighted to be here..   [ of course he wasn’t okay,  and he, at least the thought so— knew she knew that.  he didn’t want to talk, he wanted to sleep— and drink, but there was no more of that and he wasn’t going to bother and call a maid over to get another.  therefore.. Viserys would just have to suffer,  until maegon most likely,  came to drag him out of his dark chambers and into the sunlight that was sure to burn him alive ]      what’s done is done 


@reapsowed    [  she was taken back needless to say.   while her route to exit the castle was by his chambers,   not once did she expect him to coincidentally open the door for her.   with a raised brow,  she took him on his offer and proceeded to enter his chambers.  it was dark,   not that she was expecting any different.   her hands clasped before her,   thumbs fidgeting with one another as she glanced around the room.   the empty chalices and wine,   even moreso than usual was a hint that whatever synyra had briefly mentioned to her earlier was not a ruse.   in fact,  it had been real life,   ]      i know     ..you don’t know me well,   nor are you entirely a fan of me either,   but i wanted to ask    ..truly,   no need to lie to me,   are  (you) okay?   after it all?


… you like him. 


@unfyred       because quite frankly?   everyone else is boring     ..so i chose the least boring,   yet most bothersome.     sorry i get bored and like to make conversation    ..ones that don’t revolve war and my brother.    [  she hadn’t really given herself the time to even dare think of     ..whatever on earth she felt for in regards to viserys,  for a handful of reasons.    her hand remained wrapped along the neck of her chalice,  fingertips mindlessly tapping along the glass,  ]    if any of us live that long,    he’d be a lucky one to turn thirty    ..never mind find a wife by then


@nomartyr       it’s more so on your part than him..     viserys is just an observant fellow and you’re not as good as hiding your feelings in regards to him as much as you think.      yes, he is mere company..  yet even when there is many to talk to you still prefer his.     [ he wasn’t an idiot,  nor was the beowulf boy— contrary to popular belief.    and the rouge hue that grew along her face only confirmed his reasonings ]    well of course not now,   i  doubt he himself wants children before the age of thirty.    i am only saying that if you think you’re good at hiding your ..     “frustrations”      — you’re not.  


@unfyred     [  she deadpanned.   staring dead straight at the imp with not a slight shift in emotion on her face    ..maybe except for a raise in her left brow.   despite the flat expression along her features,   she couldn’t stop her heart from almost skipping a beat or two and the slight burning sensation attempting to prick at her cheeks.   luckily,   she could use the amount of blue wine she had consumed in such a short time as the culprit,   ]     i do not want children,  especially not his    ..nor his hand in marriage.   he is mere company when i have nobody else to yap too    ..and drink with,  that is all.  but now i’m nosey,   and do wish for you to go there.   


i  suppose  i  should  be  thanking  you.  


@sinicides       he has natural born skill,   he just needed to inhabit the confidence and someone to     ..guide him in the right direction,   i suppose.    who knows,   he could take the title of a great swordsman by the time his training is complete


taking  the  time  to  help  my  son.     he’s always  been  softer  in  comparison  to  his  siblings,    but  i  can  see  the  progress  since  he’s  been  under  your  guide.    


@sinicides      thanking me for    ..what,  exactly?


i  met  your  brother.  


@kimaquare        he’s not one to like people,   it’s nothing personal     ..he’s just rude except to a select few 


wait.    why  does  he  hate  me?      …  is  it  because  i  called  him  huge?    it  was  a  compliment!   


@kimaquare      that’s lovely,     he probably hates you as well